Sunday Morning Worship Service at Elon

Nov 10, 2024    David Sexton


Welcome and Announcements -- David Sexton

Veteran's Day Tribute

Call to Worship: 1 John 3:1-2 -- Jeremy Lakes

*"Now Thank We All Our God" #433 vs 1&2

Congregational Fellowship: A time to greet those around you!

*Rejoice Ye Pure in Heart (#373)

Offering – Ushers

 Pastoral Prayer -- Dave Sexton Jr.

Hymn of Preparation: "How Firm a Foundation" #364 vs. 1&2

^Scripture Readings -- Dave Sexton Jr

Old Testament: Isaiah 9:6-7; New Testament: Hebrews 1:1-4

 Preaching from the Word-- "Who Do You Say That I Am?" David Sexton

Series: God's Questions Luke 9:18-20

*Response Hymn "All to Jesus I Surrender”

Closing Prayer