Sunday Morning Worship Service at Elon

Nov 17, 2024    David Sexton



Welcome and Announcements -- David Sexton

Call to Worship: Psalm 84:11-12 -- Dave Sexton Jr

*"Sing Praise to God Who Reigns Above" #1 vs 1&4 (Grace Hymnal)

Congregational Fellowship: Greet those around you!

 Pastoral Prayer -- Jeremy Lakes

*Hymn of Praise: "Great is Thy Faithuflness" #373 (Baptist Hymnal)

Offering – Ushers

^Scripture Readings -- Dave Sexton Jr

Old Testament: Psalm 91:1-8; New Testament: 1 Peter 5:6-11

Hymn of Preparation: "My Jesus I Love Thee" #75 vs. 1&2 (Baptist Hymnal)

Preaching from the Word-- "Why are You Sleeping?" David Sexton

Series: God's Questions Luke 22:39-46

*Response Hymn "King of My Life" #350 (Baptist Hymnal)

Closing Prayer