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Sunday Morning Worship Service at Elon
Welcome & Announcements Dave Sexton
Call to Worship: Psalm 96:6-8 Jeremy Lakes
*"10,000 Reasons" (On Screen) Congregation
Congregational Fellowship (Greet those around you)
Pastoral Prayer Dave Sexton
Catechism Review Jeremy Lakes
*Teaching Hymn: "Because We Believe" (On Screen) Congregation
Offering Ushers
Hymn of Adoration: "My Jesus I Love Thee (380, Grace)" Congregation
Scripture Reading: Romans 11:33-12:2
Hymn of Preparation: "Just As I Am (I Come Broken)" (On Screen) Congregation
^Personal Prayers of Confession and Preparation
Preaching from the Word - "How Can We Glorify God" Romans 11:33-12:2 Dave Sexton
Sermon Series: The New City Catechism
*Hymn of Response: "All I Have is Christ" (389, Grace)
*Stand if Able
^Attention Children -- 3-year-old through 5th grade who wish to attend Junior Church will be dismissed after the Hymn of Preparation this morning. They may be picked up at the end of the service in the Fellowship Hall.
Last Sunday in Review
Message: "What Else Did God Create"