Sunday Morning Worship Service at Elon

Feb 12, 2023    David Sexton

Prelude -- Jane Thomas

Welcome and Announcements David Sexton

*Call To Worship: "Victory in Jesus" #475 (Grace) vs.1 & 4  "  Jeremy Lakes

Congregational Greeting

John 3:16 (KJV) Unison

"How Deep the Father's Love for Us" #80(Grace) Congregation

Offering  Ushers

*Pastoral Prayer Dave Sexton

Scripture Reading Jeremy Lakes

Old Testament: Genesis 50:15-21  New Testament: Philippians 4:10-13

^ *Hymn of Preparation  "Wonderful Words of Life" #142 vs. 1&3 Congregation

 Preaching from the Word -- "The Journey to Jerusalem"  Acts 21:1-16

Series: ACTS: The Gospel To the Ends of the Earth  David Sexton

*Response Hymn "Amazing Grace"  #165     Congregation
