January 8, 2023 Morning Worship Service

Jan 8, 2023    David Sexton

Prelude -- Jane Thomas

Welcome and Announcements Dave Sexton

*Call To Worship: "Brethren We Have Met to Worship"   Jeremy Lakes

*Matthew 7:24-25

* "The Solid Rock" #337 (Red Hymnal) Congregation

Offering  Ushers

*Pastoral Prayer David Sexton

Scripture Reading Dave Sexton

Old Testament: Ezekiel 33:1-6  New Testament: Acts 20:17-27

^Hymn of Preparation  "More About Jesus" #327 vs. 1&2  Congregation

 Preaching from the Word -- "Habits of a Healthy Christian"  Acts 20:17-27

Series: ACTS: The Gospel To the Ends of the Earth  David Sexton

*Response Hymn "Take My Life and Let It Be #373  "   Congregation
