Sunday Morning Worship Service at Elon
Jan 21, 2024 • David Sexton
Announcements Dave Sexton
Call to Worship: Isaiah 40:9-11 Jeremy Lakes
*"Behold Our God" Congregation
Congregational Greeting
*Hymn of Praise: "When We Walk With the Lord" Congregation
Offering Ushers
Pastoral Prayer Dave Sexton Jr.
Hymn of Promise: "God Will Take Care of You" Congregation
OT Reading Deuteronomy 29:29-30:6 Jeremy Lakes
*^Preparation for Sermon: In Christ Alone vs. 1 &2 Congregation
NT Reading (Text) Colossians 1:9-14 David Sexton
Message from God's Word "How to Pray for One Another" David Sexton
Sermon Series: Colossians: In Christ Alone
*Response Hymn: "Living for Jesus" Congregation