Christmas Eve Candlelight Service
Prelude Courtney Sexton
Lighting of the Christ Candle (Prayer) Dave Sexton
God’s Account of Christmas from Luke 1:26-38 David Sexton
“O Come, O Come Emmanuel” (#78, vs. 1, 4) Congregation
God’s Account of Christmas from Luke 2:1-7 Dave Sexton
“Come Adore the Humble King” Dave & Courtney
God’s Account of Christmas from Luke 2:8-15 Jeremy Lakes
“Angels from the Realms of Glory” (#87, vs. 1, 6) Congregation
“The First Noel” (#91, vs 1&4);
“Joy to the World“ (#88. vs. 1&4)
God’s Account of Christmas from Luke 2:15-20 Doreen Sexton
“Go Tell It on the Mountain” (#82, vs. 1, 3) Congregation
“Good Christian Men Rejoice” (#90, vs 1,3)
“Angels We Have Heard On High“ (#95. vs. 1&3)
Purpose of the Christmas Story in 1 John 4:14-21 David Sexton
Remembering Him at the Lord’s Table
*Come to the Front to Receive Bread and Cup and return to seat where we will partake of the bread and cup together.
“There Blooms a Rose in Bethlehem” Jeremy Lakes
Hymn of Response “What Child is This?” verses 1&3 Grace #230 Congregation
Candle lighting (proceed outside)
Closing Hymn Silent Night