Sunday Morning Worship Service at Elon

Sep 1, 2024    Dave Sexton Jr.



Welcome and Announcements 

*Call to Worship Romans 5:8-9  

  "There is Power in the Blood"  #159 vs. 1&4

Congregational Greeting

Pastoral Prayer

*Hymn of Praise "Victory in Jesus" #475 (Baptist Hymnal) 

Offering  Ushers

Hymn of Preparation: "Tell Me the Story of Jesus" Barb Bailey & Tamatha Anthony

^Scripture Reading  

  OT: Exodus 3:1-8; NT: Hebrews 10:11-25 

Message: "Living in the Spirit: Freedom, Sonship, Suffering, and Glory."

Series: God in Us: The Holy Spirit   Romans 8:1-17

*Hymn of Response "Have Thine Own Way Lord"

Closing Prayer