Sunday Morning Worship Service at Elon

Jun 9, 2024    David Sexton

Order of Service for June 2


Welcome and Announcements 

  Jungle Journey Recap and Theme Song

Call to Worship 1 Timothy 1:17 

  "O God Our Help in Ages Past"  Elon Kids

Congregational Greeting

Pastoral Prayer    

*Hymn "All Creatures of Our God and King" #11 (Grace Hymnal)


^Scripture Reading    OT:Job 1:13-22; NT: 1 Peter4:1-11

*Hymn of Preparation: "When I Survey the Wondrous Cross" #290, vs 1-2 

Message: "Think, Live, Be"   

Series: Living Holy in a Hostile World 1 Peter 4:1-11

*Hymn of Response "Every Promise of Your Word" #363, vs. 1,3&4  

Closing Prayer